Kingdom of Shadows follows three people grappling with the hard choices and destructive consequences of the US -Mexico "drug war." Filmmaker Bernardo Ruiz weaves together the seemingly disconnected stories of an activist nun in deeply scarred Monterrey, Mexico, a US Federal agent on the border, and a former Texas smuggler to reveal the human side of an often-misunderstood conflict that has resulted in the "disappearance" of more than 23, 000 people in Mexico.
Photography- Antonio Cisneros, Juan Hernández, Claudio Rocha
Editor- Carla Gutiérrez
Sound-José Araujo, Aldo Carrizales, Allen Green, Ernesto Muñoz, Leo Olivares, Gerardo Villareal, Byron Spears
Script- Bernardo Ruiz
Music- T. Griffin
Production- Katia Maguire, Bernardo Ruiz, Jeff Skoll, Diane Weyermann, Carlos Gómez Andonaegui, Jimena Martí Haik
Production Companies -Participant media, Boiling Pot, Quiet Pictures